How do I navigate around on this CD-ROM to find what I need? | |
Click from one of the categories listed in the left hand column of this page. This will open up all the different Java Scripts Categories listed under that category. The Java Scripts will be listed complete with a description | |
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How do I use the Java Scripts? | |
To use the scripts simply just CUT-N-PASTE the source code into your HTML document through NOTEPAD or some type of EDITOR if that is what you use. We have listed each script and also given a sample page to see how the script look in action. Read the tutorials if you have never used or know what JAVASCRIPT is. | |
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How do I copy Java Scripts? | |
Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to hilight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as NotePad or SimpleText) and save (Control-s or Apple-s). The script is yours! | |
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Is this the Only Web Disc that you make? | |
This is the first in a series on Professional Web design CD-ROM's. There will be CD-ROM's released on Java Script, CGI, PERL, with complete Tutorials, more graphics, Animated Gifs, Wallpaper, Utilities, HTML Editors and more. These will released about every quarter or so to keep you up to date with the latest Web Page Technology. They will take a in depth look in designing interactive sites with mulitmedia, sound, animated graphics, and more. Complete with tutorials and examples of how to do it and what the finished product looks like. | |
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Terms & Copyright Information? | |
This license ("License")
contains rights and restrictions associated with use Java Scripts created by Next Step
Publishing of the accompanying software. Read the License carefully before utilizing the
software. By using the software you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this
Some Java Scripts, Java Applets, DTHML Scripts, Utilities were created by other individuals and each of their license agreements should be read before with rights and restrictions on their use. |